Qvc Novel Beauty Exam Metro August 2014

Four times a year, New Beauty Test Tube teams upward amongst QVC to convey a exceptional mix of deluxe sized as well as amount size items from QVC Beauty brands along amongst a re-create of the information packed magazine.

The value is great. With taxation as well as transportation to me inwards NY it toll $40. The magazine sells on the word correspond $10 as well as 1 of the items inwards this month's subway scheme (the exfolikate) I saw lone at Sephora for $24! That lone at that spot makes it worth it.

This calendar month had so  many nifty items from philosophy, Kate Somerville, phyto, bliss, Mally Beauty, Doll 10, it cosmetics as well as fresh.

Check out my unboxing as well as review here:

<3 Diane


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