My Weird Phobia...

So it has been brought to my attending lately I accept a genuinely weird phobia. I am non certain of the exact mention of the phobia, but inwards plainly English linguistic communication I accept a fearfulness of scissors.

Some of you lot are in all probability looking at me confused but that is okay. To clarify, I tin purpose pair of scissors merely fine as well as accept no issue. They tin hold upwards on the desk nigh me as well as again, I'm non bothered. It's when other people are using pair of scissors also unopen past times I commencement to sort of freak out a bit.

My mom was merely innocently using pair of scissors to cutting tags off something correct behind me as well as I kept shuddering as well as ducking my head. I was then uncomfortable I had to larn upwards as well as walk away from what I was doing.

I blame this weird fearfulness on haircuts. Yup. I accept had then many terribly awful haircuts inwards my life I intend when a someone uses pair of scissors nigh me it is why I freak out. Forget when I genuinely produce need to larn my pilus trimmed. My swain or awesome pilus stylist ordinarily trims it now. It took me going to her for nigh ii years for colouring to grant her the privilege to cut me alongside trust. Even though I know they volition produce just what I want, my kernel all the same races as well as I can't breathe good until it's over. Seriously, I rather become to the dentist (hey 28 years alongside no cavities!) than larn a pilus cut. It's that bad.

I suppose this is a curly daughter problem?

<3 Diane


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