2014 Kpop Rookies To Hold Off Out For Inwards The Future!

Just similar near recent years, 2014 was filled amongst debuts as well as rookies, possibly likewise many! Here is a listing of the Rookies that genuinely stood out, as well as to await out for inward the future, equally they may live on dominating the Kpop scene inward a few years ^_^

In no exceptional order: 

JYP has been losing its TCHANNAAAA lately, but this grouping definitely was 1 of the biggest rookies of 2014. As someone who has been anticipating this debut since 2012 when I saw Dream High 2, i'm definitely non disappointed; i'm genuinely rather scared of the impairment they volition produce to my bias list. 

In my opinion, Jackie Jackie Chan Chan's commencement vocal desire anything special, but they came out amongst other songs that I genuinely liked! Their newest song, Fire, has left me going "daayyuummm" then yeah, proficient project Mr Chan :D

Lip Service
Great debut, peachy songs, peachy rapping! So underrated, but I genuinely promise they succeed to a greater extent than this year. 

5 seconds into the video as well as I knew i was gonna honey it :D They receive got that man child band kpop essence that has been kinda vanishing these days....... (I re-create as well as pasted the youtube comment I left when I commencement saw their MV) 

These iv ladies receive got slayed 2014 amongst their amazing vocal as well as rapping skills! They are absolutely amazing, as well as deserve all the attending that volition live on coming their agency inward the futurity :D GO MAMAMOO!

THE FEELS I mean, his vocalization is but perfect T_T If I left him out I wouldn't live on able to forgive myself. 

Domino Game was such a peachy agency to start 2014 debuts, they had then much potential yet don't bother looking for them inward the future......they disbanded. Doesn't brand sense to me, something shady must've been going on for them to disband, lookout adult man the MV as well as you'll larn what I mean.

Their debut MV was a bit......unusual? It wasn't to my personal liking, yet "Are You Ready?" was SO much better! These hotties volition intermission many hearts this yr ^_^

Undoubtedly 1 of the strongest debuts this year. Whether y'all were rooting for Team A or Team B, y'all gotta acknowledge that this vocal is amazing! I'm soundless unsure who takes the crown for 2014 rookies, Winner or GOT7. 

Akdong Musician 
AKMU has been topping charts left as well as correct this year, then yeah.....No demand to await out for them inward the future, they are already super pop as well as successful inward the present! 

This grouping was such a peachy agency of escaping those "pretty looking boys kind-of groups." Not that I don't similar pretty boys, but sometimes something dissimilar tin move live on then refreshing as well as interesting! This grouping is seriously worth following.

Lucky J
Continuing amongst the "different as well as refreshing" thing, Lucky J was equally dissimilar as well as novel equally it could get! They're then unique, as well as their skills are no joke! 

Out of all the debut songs of 2014, this vocal is belike the instant near played, correct later Girls Girls Girls. I honey these sort of songs; happy, uncomplicated as well as SO enjoyable to brain to. Their other songs later this 1 were also fantastic! Already a fan ^_^

Red Velvet
SM's novel daughter grouping went though quite about problem equally presently equally they came out, yet nosotros cannot deny that they were a pretty strong rookie this year. We volition for certain live on hearing their names a lot from right away on! 

Absolutely HATED them.....because they are already making me autumn inward honey T_T

Woolim's novel daughter grouping isn't typically my style, yet they are super cute as well as pretty ^_^ They already receive got a pretty stable fanbase, then I tin move already run into them grow! Being the historic menses they are, at to the lowest degree nosotros don't receive got to worry amongst them all of a abrupt going sexy :P

Another man child grouping that is cook to completely slaughter your bias list! I tin move listen them going "MUAHAHAHAHA" already.

Bernard Park
Another 1 of JYP's "job-well-dones" this yr :D If you've seen him on ASC, you'll know how cute as well as squishy Bernard is. PLUS, dem vocals tho. 

And that wraps upwardly this post! Did I forget anyone? Do y'all handgrip amongst the list? Who is already making y'all hollo amongst feels? Leave a comment as well as follow (only if y'all desire to, i'm non your mum) :D


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